Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Godiva Secret Wigs as a solution for thinning hair and hair loss for women.

I became a consultant for Godiva Secret Wigs about 3 years ago.  It all started when I was looking for a "topper" for my fine, thin, hair.  It's very frustrating to work with hair, all kinds of hair, throughout the day and be unable to make your own fine, thin, hair look like much more.  All the sprays and gels in the world won't give you more hair! That's what you do with fine, thin, hair...you make something out of nothing!  And that takes time.  Moreover, living in Florida with the humidity, you can smooth and straighten only to have your hair turn to frizz by midday.

I've been doing hair in one aspect or another (styling, training, educating, etc) for over 36 years and honestly, my lower back, arms and shoulders are worn out!  So when my day is done, it is sometimes too uncomfortable for me to be doing all that blow drying, flat ironing and styling for myself!
So my search began.  I ordered a topper and was disappointed because I still had to deal with the rest of my hair.  At that time, Godiva did not offer the choices for colors that they now have.  So if I would have gone that route, I would have had to dye my hair to match the topper and what was the point?  More work for me.   I decided to try the full wig and I'm so glad I did.  It takes no time at all to look glamorous with a full head of healthy looking, thick hair!  The wigs helped me so much that I wanted to share what I had learned with other "thinning hair" women.  So I became a consultant.  I now am able to offer styling to my clients as a free service when they purchase through me. 

I've been told that when I don my wig, I look 20 years younger!  That right there is motivation enough for me!

Because of becoming a wig-wearer, I was able to stop coloring my hair and see just how gray I had become.  It took me about a year to grow all my color out and now I have a beautiful head of almost white hair.  The challenge there was learning to deal with gray hair that was uncolored.  Gray hair, no matter the texture or density tends to be wiry and a little more frizzy than I would like.  Having natural curl made my situation even trickier.  I had to play around with conditioning treatments, smoothing treatments and ultimately a relaxer so not to be susceptible to the hair wrecker, "humidity"!  That also took time, but now I have a lot to share with other women about just what steps to take. 

Because we use Chi Ionic color in our salons and that is what I used on my hair when I colored it, I was spoiled by the infusion of silk protein into the color which, in turn, was absorbed into my hair and so I had a misconception about my natural hair.  When I stopped coloring, I had to deal with my gray hair in its natural state.  Thus, the experimentation with conditioning and smoothing to get to a place where I could wear my natural hair if I so desired. 

I finally settled on the Chi Smoothing treatment.  It's not permanent, but it gives me the semi-permanent silkiness and smoothing that I need. 

These Godiva wigs are such a quality product that my customer are constantly complementing me on my hairstyle and they are always shocked when I tell them "it's a wig". 

I think because of my many, many years of hair styling, I am able to customize the styles to suit me exactly and I have received many awesome reviews from my wig-wearing customers.

These wigs are so easy to maintain.  Because they are synthetic hair, they only require shampooing every 14 wears.  I shampoo, condition, blot dry, shake out and hang to dry.  The style looks just the same when its dry.  You see, the style is "steamed" in.  They never need thermal styling, just arrange with your fingers and go!  My life couldn't be simpler. 

The most rewarding thing about being a Godiva Secret Wig consultant is how appreciative the wearers that I help with choosing and styling their new hair.  Most people have come to me in preparation for or after chemo treatments and in that is where the satisfaction lies.

My oldest wig is 3 years old and still looks awesome.  These wigs are work horses if you take care of them.  And that doesn't require a lot of work at all or I wouldn't be doing it. 


My hair doesn't take a perm.

OMG!  If I hear that one more time.  There are rarely customers whose hair cannot be permed.  They may have resistant hair that requires more expertise and skill in perming, but in all my years, I have not met anyone whose hair cannot be permed.

In order to clarify, lets go back and look at what happens during the perming process.   There are three aspects to perming, the physical part or the wrapping of the hair on her rods or rollers, the chemical part, the choosing of the proper formula for the hair type, and the proper application and execution of the physical and chemical aspects. Wrapping the hair is the first part of the perming process which I don’t consider to be a “step” and is is so important!  It seems so easy to so many stylists that they don’t focus on every detail; the size of the subsections, rods on base, no unnecessary tension, the smoothness and evenness if the hair on the rods, and what about protecting the delicate skin around the hairline? This is so unorganized in a lot of cases. Sometimes there are so many rods put in the head, and putting in such a fashion that it’s impossible to keep track of which roads have been saturated in which haven’t. That being said with proper wrapping then we proceed to the actual steps. In step one, the softening, the hair is saturated with waving lotion, bonds are broken apart so that they can shift past each other when wound on the rod or perming tool.  If the wrong strength of solution is used or if the proper solution is used improperly or incompletely, here is where the problem may begin.  In step two, the processing of the solution, again, I repeat that if you do not follow manufacturers instructions, or do not know what to look for when attempting to determine if the processing is complete, problem again.  Step three involves the rinsing or "setting" of the hair in the new position.  You remove all chemical and water and “set” the hair to get ready to be hardened in the new configuration. Once again, most times this is a big problem.  A lot of hairstylists do not have proper training and/or desire to do what it takes, i.e. rinse until the smell is gone and all of the waving lotion is removed.  This requires time and very warm water which “opens” the cuticle and allows the proper rinsing “out” of the chemical. This next step is crucial and so overlooked. BLOTTING EACH AND EVERY ROD until there is no excess water left in the hair.  Most hairstylist preferred to squeeze the head  with all the perm rods with a towel much like you would squeeze a melon.  This is a big problem! The excess water left in the hair will dilute the neutralizer, the last step, which actually makes the curl in the hair. Until this part of the process there is no curl.  And last but not least,  they put the neutralizer on haphazardly, the perm seems like there’s curls in it when the rods are taken down, because of the temporary hydrogen bonds, but after the guest leaves,  the curlfalls out leaving the customer to think “my hair doesn’t take a perm“.

One salon chain that works closely with perming manufacturers and gets training from those manufacturers is FANTASTIC SAMS.  The training ensures that things are done properly.  Something to think about.